Upcoming Appearances
- Saturday, February 22, 2025
Wild Moon Bhaktas - an evening of chanting, kirtan & spiritual music
7:30 -9:15 pm
Tula Yoga, 99 Snelling Ave. North
St. Paul, MN 55104
$15 cash please, at door - Saturday, March 29, 2025
Wild Moon Bhaktas - an evening of chanting, kirtan & spiritual music
7:30-9:15 pm
Tula Yoga, 99 Snelling Ave. North
St. Paul, MN 55104
$15 cash please, at door
- Saturday, February 22, 2025
Rumi Celebration
Let the Beauty We Love
by Jelalludin Rumi (version by Coleman Barks)Our fourteenth annual Rumi Celebration, an evening of music, chanting, poetry and sacred dance is coming in just a few days – Sunday, December 22nd. This event grew out of love for Rumi’s mystical poetry and features the Wild Moon Bhaktas, Hakim Bushnell and friends, and Rev. Ted Tollefson. Many people bring their favorite Rumi poem and share it, while the Wild Moon Bhaktas provides background music for the recitation. Either way, join us! 7-9 pm. at the Center for Performing Arts, 3754 Pleasant Ave. South, Minneapolis. 55409. RumiNiteFlyer2013PDF
If you wake up in the morning / Empty and scared / Don’t go to the study and read / Pick up a musical instrument and play. / Let the beauty we love, be what we do / There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.